The Ministry of Transport of Russia approved the methodological recommendations developed by ROSDORNIA on the implementation of ITS

22.03.2022 Views: 582

On March 21, 2022, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation signed Order No. AK-74-r "On approval of the methodological recommendations developed by ROSDORNIA on consideration of Applications of Subjects of the Russian Federation for Receiving other Inter-budgetary Transfers from the Federal Budget to the Budgets of subjects in order to implement the event "Introduction of intelligent transport systems providing for automation of traffic management processes in urban areas agglomerations, including cities with a population of over 300 thousand people" within the framework of the federal project "System-wide measures for the development of road infrastructure" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the transport system".

Methodological recommendations are developed in order to determine the purpose, goals and objectives of ITS functioning in urban agglomerations, including cities with a population of over 300 thousand people, as well as the basic provisions of their formation and operation.

The methodology establishes:

  • requirements for local projects;

  • the procedure for submitting an application for the provision of other inter-budget transfers;

  • requirements for filling out an explanatory note to a local urban agglomeration project; a local project passport form;

  • recommendations for the creation, development and ensuring the effective functioning of ITS in urban agglomerations;

  • classification criteria by ITS maturity level;

  • requirements for the content of a draft or technical project;

  • recommendations for the development of regulations for the operation of ITS in urban agglomerations.

The document contains recommendations on the organization of monitoring of traffic flow parameters, the choice of traffic management technology in an urban agglomeration, the organization of meteorological monitoring, priority travel of public transport in urban agglomerations, video surveillance, a subsystem of dispatching management of the road maintenance service.

The document explains that the purpose of the integration platform (Unified Transport System Management Platform) is to organize the interconnected functioning of all subsystems and services of ITS road network of agglomerations as a whole to increase the capacity of the transport network and the safety of road users.

ROSDORNII is the developer of the concept of the national ITS network, which is an important component of the digital transformation of the transport complex and projects to create "smart cities".

The main strategic goal of ITS creation is to meet the increasing demand for passenger and cargo transportation, to achieve a transport balance between the capacity of the road network and its actual load, to ensure the safety of transportation and road traffic in general, as well as to reduce emissions of pollutants.

The goal of ITS development in the medium term is the creation and system integration of modern information and communication technologies and automation tools with transport infrastructure, vehicles and users to improve the safety and efficiency of the transport process; providing comfortable conditions for all road users.

For the successful implementation of ITS as an integrating system in the urban agglomeration, it is necessary to determine the main participants of the project; the strategy for the development of the road transport complex of the region, including on the basis of programs for the integrated development of transport infrastructure (PKRTI), the integrated traffic management scheme (CSODD) and the transport model of the urban agglomeration; to investigate the state of the road transport complex, to obtain quantitative and qualitative indicators of its condition and operation; to determine the range of practical and urgent tasks facing the customer and the operating organization, users of the system; to identify and agree on the main documents related to the implementation of the event; to develop ITS projects; to implement the solutions laid down in the project; to support the operation and carry out technical support of the system, modernization and improvement of components, change of the system due to changes in external conditions; develop the necessary operational and user documentation.

The most promising directions of the development of ITS of the urban agglomeration are spatial development and expansion of the functionality of all the main subsystems of ITS; integration development of ITS; improvement of road safety; introduction of new subsystems of ITS; reduction of harmful effects on the environment.